Dear Viewer,

Please Leave comments. I still read them. I promise. :)
-Steve (2/07/2012)

Moving On...

Update: I got a Pro Flickr account with the money I made from Prom Portraits, and so I'm planning to post a lot to there for now as I figure out the details for my official photography site.

Portfolio's up! But I use flickr mostly now...

So without further delay, here are my two shiney new URL's:

Official Professional Portfolio:

Flickr Account:

Update Update (Feb 07th 2012): HI! I still check this blog every once in awhile. It's fun to have an archive of my first Project 365 still hanging out on blogspot. Cool.

Anyway, in case anyone is wondering, my web home base is now - Simple enough right?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 110: Nebulae

This picture is of the beginnings of a sunset tonight around 4:30 pm today. i edited levels to darken the mid-tones, and then turned up the contrast. The name is because the final result kind of reminds me of this or this. I hope one day that technology will allow for photography like that by humans rather than space telescopes. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to take off on a multi-year trip to another part of the Solar System or Galaxy? how cool would it be if you could hop in your space suit every day, and get out of the ship to space-walk around taking pictures!? Now THAT would be one awesome Project 365...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 109: Tree

This was also taken back on day 107 at Fox Run Park. I love the detail of the tree, and the blurry fountain in the background.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 108: Lone Light

This was taken in my school parking lot on Evening of the Arts. I was originally sitting in between the cars, but I decided to take that out. I also cleared up some background shrubbery with photoshop.

Oh and by the way Day 29 won 1st prize in photography at Evening of the Arts 2008!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 107: Fountain

This was also taken at Fox Run Park. I went back for sunset today, and got a few amazing ones. Check out EiP for more. This is another favorite of mine, especially the branches.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 106: Alvin

This was taken in fox run park around noon. I followed this little chipmunk around until I got this picture of him, at which point he promptly sprinted off behind a rock.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 105: Green Trees

I really like this one because of the texture and color of the trees. The sky turned out white, but that happens. This was taken just after sunset on Day 100, so the sky was bright and the rest was very dim. The rocks balancing on the left side of the set is pretty sweet. Check out the full view.

Update: I just found a near duplicate of this one on flickr! go check it out at EiP.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 104: Kissing

For some reason the resizing process really killed this one, so i would appreciate it if you would check out the full view before commenting.

This is the kissing camels in Garden of the Gods, also from day 100. This was taken at 5:03pm, which happens to be the exact time the shadow of the mountains starts climbing up the rocks in the Garden. The shadow in the bottom right is the mountains, and the ones on the left are of rocks. The falloff difference in the shadows really highlights the distance of the mountains

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 103: Peek-a-boo

This is a squirrel, the same one from yesterday in fact. This was taken seconds after yesterday's after the squirrel had climbed about 6 feet up a tree. I'm not particularly fond of the twig in front of his face, but the depth of field worked out well, so the tree and the squirrel are in focus :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 102: Flora and Fauna

This was taken on day 100, outside the parking lot of the Garden Of The Gods Trading Post. I was able to get within feet of the squirrel, it was sweet.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Day 101: Clockwork

This is the clock from day 100, zoomed out a tad. This gives the full detail, and the moon and the tree in the background is sweet. I edited two pictures together to get the clock face not to look all overexposed, and its cropped and straightened, no other editing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 100: Time Traveler

I spent the majority of this evening (from 4:30 to 9:30) out taking pictures. I went to the base of the Barr Trail up Pikes Peak, then to Garden of the Gods in time for sunset, then downtown Colorado Springs after dark, it was great! I got a lot of city driving experience too (Drivers License in 2 months). This picture was one of my last subjects before I got in the car to drive home. I really like the angle on it, and I cloned out some of the text on the middle of the clock, and one of the hands. I think the time I took this picture is pretty clear eh? The title is because this particular clock reminded me of the clock in the into scene for every Twilight Zone episode. Oh and the lighting is from within the clock.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 99: Harvest Moon

Well, here we are day 99...this is actually a picture from 5AM the morning of the 20th, but because my day on weekends usually doesn't start till about 10AM I still consider this the day before :P all day on the 19th I worked on an electronic trigger that emulates my infrared remote, so i can more easily do time-lapse pictures...
This picture is of the moon, just as it set over Mt. Herman. The tree line is clearly visible along the bottom of the moon. I really do like this, the moon was huge and the color is unedited... very cool.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 98: After Snow

The snow has all melted now... this picture is from this morning, I love the detail the mountains show when the sun is shining on them in the morning... This is the last of the set... i haven't touched my camera in 3 days cause its been on the tripod, in the same spot in my house... but tomorrow is day 99... and I'm full of ideas so its gonna be AWESOME!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day 97: During Snow

Snow hit around 1:30 yesterday... so it looked like this this morning, the sun melted most of it by noon. I really like this one because its so bright.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 96: Before Snow

This is the first of four time-lapse photos I hope to post over the next three days. We have snow scheduled to hit soon, it should be within the hour. Hopefully you'll see more of it tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 95: The Door

Only 5 Days till Day 100!!!

So this was taken downtown. It's a side door to a church and i really like the spooky feel it has to it. One of my friends got a much better picture than this with her point&shoot about a year ago, and that inspired me to try to get this one. I didn't have much time, mom gets easily spooked in the city at night :p but i don't blame her...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 94: Painting With Light

This was taken next to Rockrimmon road. I really like the title. Maybe one of my favorite titles. It was cropped with the rule of thirds in mind. I spent about an hour out there shooting while my mom was at a meeting of some sort. It was a ton of fun, and it was an 80 degree day, so even though it was 9PM, I was perfectly comfy in my t-shirt. The yellow stripe is a blinker :) I Increased the contrast, and thats about it.

Just FYI everyone, the blue lights were actually over-exposed green lights on a traffic light... and i didn't crop them out, they were at the top of the frame...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 93: Metal Fowl

This is a sculpture of birds downtown. I love the sun on the right-most birds beak. two words: Un Edited.

Day 92: Spearmint

Thats some pretty cold mint! REFRESHING!!!

So actually this is a picture of a metal container of gum that i finished off the other day.
"How did you get all that awesome ice on it steve?"
Why, I thought you'd never ask! I filled it with dry ice of course. And I let it sit for about 15 minutes... and Vuahlah! (i have not the faintest clue how to spell that... maybe i should have gone with "and Kazam!")
So the ice formed from the water in the air. its like frozen condensation on top of more frozen condensation... pretty sweet eh?
I desaturated it a bit, as well as added some contrast, to make it pop, but not too much.

Day 91: Broken

Ok, so i have a confession to make. I dropped my HP r967 Camera. I cried. it was bad. my friend just showed up in PJ's one day and I really wanted a picture, and in the process of taking the camera out of my pocked, i fumbled and it fell to its death. Luckily, i have a 2 year accidental damage next-day replacement warranty, and this all happened about 5 days ago, so I have had the new one for 3 days, and I went back and took a picture of the place i dropped the old camera. So here it is. The sidewalk right outside my class building at UCCS. A word to the wise, don't drop your camera. It wont make it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 90: The Front Porch

I can't beleive it's Day 90 already... 90 pictures.. 3 months worth.... wow. This is a picture taken just off my front porch, from yesterday. I love the snow on the log in the background... its very peaceful, but it might be a bit dark. Its unedited, again (SCORE!)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 89: Green

This was taken of a plant on my porch after dark. I turned the porch light on and let it expose for awhile. I love the ice... we just got snow here, so everything is white and frozen. Pray for a snowday! Unedited once again. I'm on a roll!

oh, and to the ever-present anonymous commenter: who are you? I appreciate your comments and everything... but I would love to know who's leaving them.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 88: It's a Veritable Citrus Paradise!

The title for today is an adapted-to-fit-the-subject-matter quote from Wallace & Grommit in The Curse of The Were-Rabbit, which is the best movie ever! I even have the video game, if you haven't seen it. go see it! The actual quote says "vegetable" instead of citrus... but hey... it's still funny right?

Yes, my prediction from yesterday came true. What can I say? No time to take more pictures :( I hope you like my Citrus. Look at Day 87 for more info on where and how got this picture. Also no editing on this one... I'll bet you didn't notice the "organic" sign in the bottom right. remember: my blog is a study in detail. so pay attention! Its also worth the full view, and the one missing orange in the middle is kinda funny...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 87: Sprinkles Please

Yeah, so I was inspired by Maddie's cinnamon roll picture on her photoblog. Which I think is awesome. So yesterday (after I took all the panning pictures) I took my huge D80 into the grocery story, and at the risk of looking like a photographer nerd (which I am)... or creep (which I don't think I am) I took a bunch of pictures of various produce, and seeing as i haven't had much time for creative picture taking because of the History 1900s Project, I feel a citrus product picture is scheduled for tomorrows picture... just saying... oh, and no editing on this one... not even cropped. Im so proud to have just gotten it right in-camera! despite even shooting at ISO 1600!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 86: Panning

I took this during my practice with panning this afternoon. This is a perfect demonstration of panning, and I'm not to sure this lady would approve of my posting her picture on the net, but if she happens to see this, she should leave a comment. Anyway, i think this perfectly conveys the idea of speed. Just so you know, depth of field does not apply here, my camera was at a very tiny aperture to restrict light so i could slow down the exposure. The blur is from my camera moving the same speed as the bike, causing the plants in the foreground and background to be motion-blurred. It's a very careful effort to get these pictures, i didn't edit this one at all other than a quick crop and resize. I took 200 and this was one of 5 clear ones.... and it was the MOST clear of all. As they say, practice makes perfect!

update: more panning photos are on this post over at my Experiments In Photography photoblog. Leave Comments. Please.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 85: Sun Spots

This is a picture of a lake at around 1:30PM. The dots in the water are reflections of the sun, and for some reason the ones toward the top of the picture look more blue-ish in hue than those at the bottom. I resized this one to twice the size of my usual posts, just to make the full-view extra special, and I assure you, it's worth it. oh, and incase some of you thought I was being serious, the "sun spots" title is a play on words, because the picture has spots of light, which are reflections of the sun, not actual sunspots. I would have to have quite the zoom lens to get pictures of those...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 84: Smokey

This is one self-absorbed fish. Here you see smokey looking in the mirror. I bought him at the Fun Fair at our school for 1 ticket, or 25 cents. Apparently cheap fishes die fast. 'nuff said.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 83: Droplets

This is a picture from the hood of a car outside UCCS during the rain today. The car paint caused the awesome texture under the water droplets. I really like this picture, and how deep the contrast is. Taken with my HP r967.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 82: Eggs

Well then, this is out of character! I only took this and 2 other very blurry pictures yesterday... so I decided to hang in there and play around with filter effects in post-processing, and I think the pencil drawing filter took this picture and turned it into something bearable... This one actually might be worth the full view, its an interesting texture...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 81: Easter Leftover

For everyone looking for an april fools joke here, I actually posted Day 80 one day late, so it was my april fools joke.

This is one of the hundred or so eggs I still have left over from easter (Day 72) It's going to take an eternity to finish these things, especially considering I just had my first of 3 fillings done a week ago, which has considerably dulled my desire for candy. Oh well, the picture turned out nicely... and it was entered in the DNMC Challenge (which is ironic, because DNMC means "Does Not Meet Challenge" so basically the challenge was to come up with something random.... hence the randomness. So go vote for me on the challenge! Oh and the setup was in my light-box on a black piece of ceramic tile for the reflection...

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