Dear Viewer,

Please Leave comments. I still read them. I promise. :)
-Steve (2/07/2012)

Moving On...

Update: I got a Pro Flickr account with the money I made from Prom Portraits, and so I'm planning to post a lot to there for now as I figure out the details for my official photography site.

Portfolio's up! But I use flickr mostly now...

So without further delay, here are my two shiney new URL's:

Official Professional Portfolio:

Flickr Account:

Update Update (Feb 07th 2012): HI! I still check this blog every once in awhile. It's fun to have an archive of my first Project 365 still hanging out on blogspot. Cool.

Anyway, in case anyone is wondering, my web home base is now - Simple enough right?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 209: Ampersand Hearts Semicolon

This is a picture of a rock. A completely random formation of silicates. This shape, commonly referred to by mankind as a "heart" which looks like this: ♥. This is in fact a random occurrence in my back yard. Unless this rock has been molded or in some way affected by previous inhabitants of our house... which I don't think it was. Pretty awesome huh?!?! I upped the contrast a bit to highlight the heart, but no selective editing at all, not even cropped. The heart is filled with water in this picture, as it does after every rainstorm. The title, which is random to some of you and extremely familiar to others (aka every girl with a myspace), refers to how you make a heart on the internet. You can either type < and then 3 which makes <3 or "& hearts ;" which when put together makes this: ♥


Steph said...

I & hearts this! Lol it's so weird how things like this show up in nature! Coooooool

Anonymous said...

A perfect heart! <3 What a cool find and an awesome catch. Keep up the good work.

Rach said...

That is so amazing!!!! :) Beautiful!

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